To Know Me Is To Love Me...

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Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Igor, whose brain did you give me?"

"It was Abby someone...."

Talked with the Doc last night, good news is my hearing is within normal parameters. Thanks to Death Metal concerts I have a slight loss at some high freq's (ie I can hear you talk if we are in a quiet room, but I can't hear a thing if we are in a cafe or anywhere with background noise) which is perfectly normal for some one of my age.
The scary news is I have a lump (or mass) slightly pushing on my brain about 2.5cm in size. The Doc advises this is probably a cyst of some type, but to be on the safe side he wants me to follow up with a MRI. Doc advises this with a high level of confidence, however it still bugs me a 'mass' of any sort is there.
So the latest conclusion, my hearing and ear related balance is fine. This mass is probably whats causing the dizziness and mild vertigo.

Yay! I feel much better...



Seraph said...

Holy crap dude ! A freaking mass in your head ???!? Jebus !

( nice link to 'Young Frankenstein'! )

BubbaJay said...

Yeah... well as Winston Churchill once said, 'Nothing focuses the mind like the knowledge you are going to be shot in the morning.'

Which is not to suggest I'm in any sort of danger. This mass is 99% likely a cyst of some description.

But it is a great wake up call for making the most of my time.