To Know Me Is To Love Me...

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Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Monday, July 21, 2008

New Batman Movie

Have to say it, didn't think it was that great.
Batman really looked like a total tool running about with his cape and 'put on' gravelly voice. Sure the Joker was well played by Heath. Personally I just thank goodness this will be the role he is remembered for, an evil clown with a make up fetish and not for touching another cowboys bottom.
The movie just seems to go on and on. If you've seen Heat and Dog Day Afternoon (and Lethal Weapon (any of them)), do yourself a big fat favour and spend your money on chocolate (seriously, the really good stuff). It'll be just as sugary and afterward you'll regret having eaten so much, but the good news - within 30 hours not a trace will be left and you'll be clean again.

Its not that the new Batman film wasn't 'competent' its just... well frankly I just didn't care about a single person in the film. Jim Gordon looked harrased and put upon the whole 3 hours (note to Greater Union, please play better trailers next time). The Harvey Dent charater, well he's like Two Face for 3 minutes, so whatever...
The others did not make an impression on me, except the reporter. At first I thought he was the kid from Silver Spoons, turns out he's the kid from 'Weird Science' - Awesome!! Also liked the bank manager, he does creepy guys REALLY well (ie the weird cop from GO!).

The movie did nothing for me and once again I feel jipped by a Hollywood blockbuster. Perhaps Quantum of Solace will restore my faith in overblown, unimaginative studio grind.

Batman: The Dark Knight
Rating - One Ninja Star and One question mark: *?

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