To Know Me Is To Love Me...

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Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A sad day for Art Fans

Tony Hart has passed away and I am poorer for the loss (LINK).

Colours, painting, drawing, fun with shapes. As a young lad I loved Vision On (the little bouncy creature in the opening animation) it was wonderful and vivid and alive.
It was part of TV that had an innocence of focus groups and marketing departments. My brother and I would watch it in the afternoons before 'After School' came on. Its reminds me of the same simple and glorious eccentricity of 'Sesame Street' from the same period (the late '70's).

My artistic ability is not great, but I never felt crap watching Tony Hart. I appreciated what he could do and it made me enjoy my efforts.
Vale Tony Hart.

1 comment:

Seraph said...

Oh no ! I loved that guy. I used to love his show, and Morph was a great little spin-off from it. Now I am sad... :-(