To Know Me Is To Love Me...

My photo
Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My RE Teacher may have laughed

It's funny because its funny.
F#ck Off Jesus HERE

May cache a little slow, hang in there for the Freedbird one...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Awesome Flow Chart

How to explain the Internet to a 19th Century Urchin.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

And now the calming...

The end of the Winter sports season has passed. In Melbourne this means the end of pointless (to me) AFL news and the welcome pause before irrelevant inter-state cricket competitions. But in our house the sporting rivalry is alive and well. CJ has taken to playing with balls of all sizes and shapes, while CJ is asleep Evie and I have taken to competitions of 'Donkey'.
(for those who came late or who live in barren cultural wilderness of America; Donkey is game where people chuck a ball at each other. Whoever drops the ball gains a letter in the word Donkey. First to earn all the letters in the word wears the appellation for the rest of the day)

Needless to say the competition is getting more heated the more we play. Sanity however may have been restored this evening when we both agreed to quit while we were each on 'DONKE'.
I think sport is the winner this evening.

If it works, do it

The past couple of months I've been laid low by a series of bugs picked up by CJ from child care.Both of us have been crook as a dog. An effect of this has been not going to the gym. Which isn't all bad to tell you the truth. But as we all started to get better I did notice that unlike previous absences from exercise I was not gaining weight. In fact when I restarted my gym ambition I discovered I had lost another 3Kg's.
Most surprising!

But what did stand out was the low energy levels and sapping strength. I ran about with a ball with CJ for a few minutes and I was exhausted. Not the kind of Dad I want to be. Thankfully CJ seems to be through the worst of it all. The headline there is that Evie and I have been improving and I've been able to get back to exercise.
Starting to feel a little bit sore this morning, but glad to have the positive benefits.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

DB's I have known

Last month was very hectic and I have been chastised for not keeping the blog up to date. It's a case of real life chewing up all my bandwidth.


So I was in Canberra last week, for work, doing a flying visit. Dropping off something before turning around quickly to head back to Melbourne for some other stuff. Well I bumped into a DB I had known from a previous life. Exchanged some pleasantries but I was reminded almost instantly what a complete and utter Richard Cranium this DB is.

So in a way it forced a comparison of the people I know in both cities. Up in Canberra I had several circles of friends and even more circles of acquaintances. This particular DB was in a social intersection of two of those groups. While down here in Melbourne I actually have a number of friends and people I like.

What I am trying to comment on is how people or personalities of a like nature group together (in a vague and untested hypothesis). In Canberra I had these dear friends who were this amazing social contradiction. Most of the people I met through them were complete and utter DB's. People who were just uninterested and uninteresting. The phenomenon is one I can really only address in retrospect. Looking back I recall that any of their social  gatherings I attended mostly comprised people who worked together with no scope of conversation and a limited interest in people outside of their work environment. They had no discernible charm beyond self flattery and thrived in situations where they could self actualize with the same people they saw everyday.

So having moved on, these memories are what last weeks encounter stirred up. I defend Canberra as a location because I liked living there and I like visiting it, but when analysing this rich seam of DBaggery I am confounded that so dominant a personality trait could be so concentrated. But perhaps that is the focus that objective distance can produce.