To Know Me Is To Love Me...

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Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thats it for 2008

Well almost in a few days time it will be. Until then have a wonderful and most importantly a safe Christmas and a happy New Year.

What will 2009 hold for us? Bare in mind that we are now only 3 years away from 2012 the so called end, according to the Mayan calender. Will 2009 have any portents? What signs should we watch for?
  • The CERN LHC has not yet destroyed the planet, nor the solar system. Probably helped by the fact that their network was hacked within minutes of its going live...
  • There have not been any zombie attacks, anywhere, at all. Still we should all review our Zombie Plans as a precaution.
  • While QANTAS aircraft have been dropping out of the sky and crashing on the run way a lot, I suggest this is a reflection of Fu%^tard greedhead corporate management. As opposed to a portent of doom.
  • Obviously the economy is in the crapper, but if you didn't see that coming a year ago - there is very little I, education or evolution can do to help.
  • Possibly the most obvious sign of the lord of misrule is that a capable, young, black man got elected over an old monied up, conservative, white man (personally I am very impressed with the voting public in America).

Well the future is at our doorstep and we have to but step out to discover it. Take every one I will see back here next year!!


Jack Dee said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year my man all the best etc.
I must disagree on one point Zombie attacks are frequent and getting more so every day, get bitten let your brain rot and you will never be a human being again... I think you have met a few of those

Seraph said...

Hell - I have to teach many of them !

BubbaJay said...

Dear Jack,
Very true. In my opinion though at this point in time these Zombies do have the law on their side. Consider this: You are alert for Zombie outbreaks, you're in a mall, you spy fat bloated brain dead people infesting the foodcourt, you act promptly by decapitating the undead, talk with police for a bit, surprisingly they arrest you and cancel your plans for a civic award, you met Big Tony your 'bi-curious' new cellmate...