To Know Me Is To Love Me...

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Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Just one more...

I did something over the weekend I have not done for some time. I started playing a computer game.
In previous blogs I have posted about how stupid and repetitive a lot of games are (console and PC) but they do have the ability to draw me in. Well the game I'm playing at the moment is called 'Warhammer 40k, Dark Crusade' or some such. Any how, I got it because of sentimental reasons, this used to be a table top game and I liked collecting the wee army guys. From memory I've only every played a handful of the table top games and yet I've dragged these plastic and lead characters around with me from city to city (I think subconsciously I'm hoping to either a: leave to my future children or b: flog them when they become rare and expensive).

So I digress, this game then is a chance to play with my toys on a computer screen. If you want a summary of the game/game play... two words, Star Craft. I'm playing because I know the back story of the races so well and because of the sentimentality of it all. The little units are beautifully animated, my two favourites are the Basilisk self propelled gun and the Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons unit. Great little animations on the both of them.

But there is a catch, the game play is entirely repetitive: build up your base, defend choke points then tank rush. Although it should be said I am playing it on easy... The other catch is the amount of time its eating up, I didn't get to bed until midnight last night, playing this silly game.
Now I tired with things to do and when I close my eyes I see my heavy bolter squad shredding Chaos marines...

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