To Know Me Is To Love Me...

My photo
Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thats it for 2008

Well almost in a few days time it will be. Until then have a wonderful and most importantly a safe Christmas and a happy New Year.

What will 2009 hold for us? Bare in mind that we are now only 3 years away from 2012 the so called end, according to the Mayan calender. Will 2009 have any portents? What signs should we watch for?
  • The CERN LHC has not yet destroyed the planet, nor the solar system. Probably helped by the fact that their network was hacked within minutes of its going live...
  • There have not been any zombie attacks, anywhere, at all. Still we should all review our Zombie Plans as a precaution.
  • While QANTAS aircraft have been dropping out of the sky and crashing on the run way a lot, I suggest this is a reflection of Fu%^tard greedhead corporate management. As opposed to a portent of doom.
  • Obviously the economy is in the crapper, but if you didn't see that coming a year ago - there is very little I, education or evolution can do to help.
  • Possibly the most obvious sign of the lord of misrule is that a capable, young, black man got elected over an old monied up, conservative, white man (personally I am very impressed with the voting public in America).

Well the future is at our doorstep and we have to but step out to discover it. Take every one I will see back here next year!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bike Paths in Melbourne

I've started to ride into work this week. Actually its part of a whole getting back on the fitness band wagon. Back in August I twisted my right knee while skiing and its kept me off the soccer field since then and off my bike for most of that time. So at long last I've joined a gym here in Melbourne (the local YMCA, there ARE lots of things for me to enjoy!! Swimming, Gyming. Actually thats probably about it...)
What I learned from the process of selecting a gym is to be discriminating. I checked out a few places, some where too small, some where just too expensive and not easy to get to and a small handful were just staffed by wankers. Getting fit has a lot to do with motivation and if you don't like the people at the gym thats less of a reason to go.
Well the guys and gals at my local YMCA are very friendly and the gym isn't too crowded when I go in the morning and I get access to the classes and the pool (for a very good price).
The big plus from all this great energy is the motivation to try riding into work. The distance is about 17kms each way and mostly flat (the odd hill). For the most part its off the main roads and through parks and nature reserves, which is a huge pleasure to ride. I'm glad to say that my fitness is picking back up and I can do the trip in about 50 minutes. My goal is to pair that back some and pick up my average speed.

But I must say the sight of some of the other cyclists does make me laugh. 40+ year old men with guts like a hippo, stuffed into Lance Armstrong professional cycling gear. Sad, funny, weird and wrong all at the same time. Which is some feat!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A reason to LIVE

Spend every waking second of your life from now on at this site.

Xmas and Don Camillo

We are coming up on Jesus birthday and with that is the attendant struggle to get gifts as soon on. I must confess to being somewhat distracted this year (similar to last year from memory) as my present from heaven will be with me in May 09 - worth the wait.

I got me thinking about the way a behaviour can change if you believe somebody has an expectation upon you. Lets consider the role of Santa in the Nice and Naughty Lists. Leaving aside his mad omnipresent skills, under whose authority does Santa judge us? Let me elaborate, its Jesus' birthday so he uses his mafia connections to hire 'The Jolly Fatman' to dispense a consumer judgement on individuals. 'The Jolly Fatman', who has powerful influence over the Transport Workers Union, delivers said judgements to everybody in one evening and takes the rest of the year off (presumably).
The Christmas message is 'Peace on earth and Goodwill to all men', which in my opinion is a wonderful message and an excellent goal. Does the threat of getting a Naughty Present (Message to Santa, example please? with the coal futures going through the roof, the traditional lump of coal could be seen as a boon. Perhaps tickets to a Baz Lurhman film... Work on it and get back to me.) motivate people to behave?
I would suggest it does. Consider your boss at work (or even the one at home) if they are pissed at you do perform to the best of your ability to placate them? to earn their favour? I suggest you would, the reward is not having your superior breathing down your neck and the chance to earn their trust to perform.
Both Santa and his friend Jesus ask us to 'behave', to treat our fellow man with dignity and kindness. If we fail in this task there is no immediate judgement, perhaps a lump of coal (waiting on you Santa). But ultimately we are neither punished or inconvenienced and yet if we do show generosity and goodwill other people benefit.

In the title of this post I mentioned Don Camillo (I only care that you find out who he is) in his dialogues there is a wonderful exploration of the theme of virtue and our place in the community. This year consider your community, consider your family. Consider what you've done for other people.
I propose that Christmas can be a reflective period, not just about shopping and pavlova and beer. Perhaps that is what Santa is after as a return on his investment on shipping and logistics...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Apparently this is an actual book.

How would you tell people where you got the recipes from...?
It like going over to your friends house to play with his wii.

Monday, December 01, 2008

He's Back!!

Spaceman Jack is back in Blog world!!
Check out his stuff HERE