Since starting at the Radiostation I've felt like I was amongst 'my people'. By which I mean, people who know music, understand the difference between a triad and trio, why a clavicle and a harpsichord are similar and the tonal difference between a 4th and 2nd part of a harmony. To me these are things that are as natural and simple as the octet formula of an address table for a router.
So I'm thinking about what it means, is it a signpost? Should I stay on with the world of IT or is this a chance to branch out and try something new? something more natural? Most of the motivational life coaching information out there talk of finding one's passion. I confess I've never been terribly motivated or super stoked about anything to do with day to day job. I'm just good at it.
But to find someone who actually wants to discuss in an intelligent fashion the open tunings of Bo Diddley music. Well that is something else...
Tomorrow I'm back to Canberra to hear Mr P J O'Rourke speak at the National Press Club. This is a big moment in life. I first came across PJ many years ago at Uni, when the Internets was still in book format. I read him voraciously as well as Hunter S Thomson. The image I got of PJ was someone who could occasionally be funny, but who for the most part was angry. Angry at a whole range of ideas and people, coupled with a sense of worry at being found out and therefore no longer being paid to be a writer. I gather he has mellowed in old age, so it will be interesting to see what it is he will talk about. What are the thoughts of a die hard, anti Clintonian Republican on the devaluing of public discourse on the political process? Does he feel any responsibility for that through his writings? Can you be a serious commentator and make jokes at the same time? Alas, knowing as I do the caliber of Australian journalists, these questions will never get asked...
I'm taking a copy of my favourite PJ book (The Bachelor Home Compendium) in case the opportunity presents itself to have it signed. I brought that book with a gift voucher I won (2nd place, lost out to someone who ripped off a Roald Dahl story and exceeded the word limit) in a writing contest at uni. I'm sure there is something meaningful and symbolic there...
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