To Know Me Is To Love Me...

My photo
Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Buddy Movie Idea

Here's a pitch its a buddy movie/road trip, add a dash of one or two musical numbers.
Elvis and Jesus.
It traces their rise from obscurity as a techno pop duo to the heights of fame in Las Vegas and then the inevitable decline...
(Jesus is the reclusive one)


Dean said...

That's the title? Why not "The King & I 2"? It'd be from JC's perspective.

or from Elvis': "Jesus, Las Vegas"

BubbaJay said...

The title is a work in progress...
Was thinking of doing a 'Fight Club' where the audience has to guess who is the alter ego.
And their dad = Evel Kenieval