To Know Me Is To Love Me...

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Suave raconteur and dinner party favourite. Once held the Olympic torch, has delivered newspapers to prime ministers, shaken hands with Prince Charles, wrecked Jason Donovan's skateboard, climbed 300 metre granite cliff faces, surfed with dolphins, appears on community radio and is in demand for these and the accounts of other thrilling exploits!

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Well Bubbas, its that time again - moving time!!
I'm currently boxing up my flat and getting ready to move down to Melbourne (from whence I came 10 years ago). I love Canberra, its been wonderful living here.

But I digress, this is not a sentimental look back at the past a 'montage/clip-show'. No this is about the phenomenon of drinking beer at one of those Belgium cafes. You'll have seen them around fo' sho'. They have that very 'clean' look that all the franchise pubs in the entire universe have.
Even the floor gets cleaned, once a day, every day even if it wants it or not. Thats the kind of clean we're talking. In fact while I'm thinking about it, I noticed the decline in ACTUAL PROPER PUBS in Melbourne. Time was I could stroll down my local, get a beer, burger and chips and sit in the sun smoking (in the days when I used to) and reading an awesome Len Deighton novel. All the while chatting away with the locals and maybe have time to fit a game of pool or two in. I judged pubs by the friendliness of the staff and clientele. I judged them by the simplicity of the pub food, when I order a burger and chips... THATS WHAT I F*&KING WANT. I do not want it sissied up with a f&*king salad. At any time, at all, ever.
For the love of Jebus, this is a pub, why the f*(K would I want a salad. AC/DC on the juke box? YES, a level pool table? YES 10 kinds of sport on the tv? YES. I do not want a F*&KING salad.
It pisses me off even more when they inflate to price of the meal to cover the cost of the salad...

So in brief, the culture of pubs is in decline and I blame dickheads and the corporate franchise system (ps east shit and die Starbucks. pps I believe the 'free' wireless internet at many of the former cess pit locations is still active - check it out for FREE internets!!)
So before I get carried away, re pubs in Melbourne let me finish what I began re the Belgium (TM) in Kingston (a comfortable staggering distance from my place)(well at least for the next few days). A buddy of mine is expecting his second chils this weekend - so we decided to focus on me and my leaving town.
When we got into the pub it was daylight and league grand final was on. At some point we left and it was dark. And I can't recall too much in between...
You see the beers at the Belgium pub have an average alcohol level of 9%. It's as if the law in Belgium decrees pubs can only be open between the hours of 5.30pm and 7.30pm. So while you can't drink as much, they'll make sure you get the same effect for only a few beers.
I don't think I felt perfectly well again until yesterday...

I'll miss many things about Canberra, but I am looking forward to Melbourne. Its the right time for me to move and I know I'm going in the right direction. Also I'm hoping that somewhere, hidden away from sight and wankers is an actual old timey pub. The kind of joint that will do a burger and chips just the way i like it.

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